copy selected cells to new sheet.



Hi everybody, following on from my previous post that JRForm was kind enough
to answer, I have another problem.

Target: my workbook contains lots of sheets that are named by country. I
would like a macro to ask the user which country they want to search and what
instiution type, then create a new sheet and paste information from specific
cells there.

Ie. User activates workbook, clicks button, macro runs... types country,
types institution. the macro runs and creates a new sheet called "institution
report, country". This sheet is filled in column b with the name of the
company which has been taken from row 2 of the country sheet and column c
with the insitution, which is the row which the macro will search - row 4,
plus column d will be any comments which appear in row 6.

I have to far got my code to ask for the country and institution, check for
exising sheets and create a new sheet putting the date in a1.
But now I'm confused and don't know the best way to continue.

Looking forward to your replies, thanks in advance,



sub mikescode()

this code should ask which country you are searching for, then ask what
report you wish to create,
'ie. which institutions, and then search the relevant country sheet and copy
the name and institution type plus comment
'to a new sheet called _country_institution_ Report, the report should
include the date and automatically open
'the print dialog box to print to the local printer.

Dim xcountry As String 'the country you wish to search
Dim xinst As String 'the institution type you wish to search for
Dim today 'today's date to be included in the report

Dim r2 'this is row 2
Dim r6 'this is row 6

Dim SheetName As String
Dim TestSht As Object
Dim OkToAdd As Boolean
Dim resp As Long
Dim wks As Worksheet

Dim oldreport As String

iprompt1 = "Please enter the name of the country to search."
ititle1 = "xcountry"
xcountry = InputBox(iprompt1, ititle2)

iprompt2 = "Please enter the institution type to search."
ititle2 = "xtype"
xinst = InputBox(iprompt2, ititle2)

mPrompt1 = "Please confirm that you wish to create a " + xinst + " report
for " + xcountry
mbutton1 = vbYesNo + vbQuestion
mTitle1 = "Confirm Report details"
repconf = MsgBox(mPrompt1, mbutton1, mTitle1) 'confirm details before
writing report.

If repconf = vbYes Then 'if the user clicks yes, the macro continues

SheetName = xinst + " Report, " + xcountry 'name of the new sheet based on

OkToAdd = False
If SheetExists(SheetName) = False Then
OkToAdd = True
'match upper/lower case of existing sheet name
SheetName = Sheets(SheetName).Name
oldreport = Range("a1")
resp = MsgBox("That report was created on " & oldreport & _
vbLf & "Do you wish to create a second report?",
Buttons:=vbOKCancel + vbCritical, Title:="Duplicate reports")
If resp = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
Else: resp = vbOK
OkToAdd = True
End If
End If
If OkToAdd = True Then
Set wks = Worksheets.Add
Call GiveItANiceName(SheetName, wks)
Range("A1").Value = Date

End If

If ActiveCell <> xinst Then
Do Until ActiveCell = xinst
If ActiveCell = xinst Then
r2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0)
r6 = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0)
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

End If
End If
End Sub

Function SheetExists(SheetName As Variant, _
Optional WhichBook As Workbook) As Boolean
'from Chip Pearson
Dim WB As Workbook
Set WB = IIf(WhichBook Is Nothing, ThisWorkbook, WhichBook)
On Error Resume Next
SheetExists = CBool(Len(WB.Sheets(SheetName).Name) > 0)
End Function

Sub GiveItANiceName(myPFX As String, wks As Worksheet) 'dave peterson

Dim iCtr As Long
Dim mySFX As String
Dim myStr As String
If iCtr = 0 Then
myStr = ""
myStr = " (" & iCtr & ")"
End If
On Error Resume Next
wks.Name = myPFX & mySFX & myStr
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
On Error GoTo 0
iCtr = iCtr + 1
End Sub 'dave peterson wrote this code



If your workbook tab are the list of countries available why not use a form
and a list box? You could use a combo box for the institutiion for example:

Dim WrkSht As Long
Dim i As Long
WrkSht = Sheets.Count
For i = 1 To WrkSht
Me.ListBox1.AddItem Sheets(i).Name
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "Institution " & i
Next i

Your user can choose the country then institution and click a command button
to run your code that creates the new sheet.


Hi JR,
Thanks for your reply.

I would use a user form but I'm not familar with forms in Excel or Access
for that matter.
The problem now is copying the selected cells to the new sheet.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,





Try creating Public variables to hold the new sheet name and the variables
r2,r6 should be global.
To do this create a module or use the one you have already created. Go to
the top of the module and paste this

Public varR2 varR6 as variant
Public strSheetName as string


Hi JR,

I've done as you suggested.

Now the problem is that the macro is running and it search row 4 for but
goes to the end of the worksheet (IQ - data goes to AQ) and then the macro

Should the copy command come before loop?




This code will get your values. It replaces the code below these two lines>

I did not see in your code where you will use the r2,r6 data. Did I miss it?

If ActiveCell <> xinst Then
Do Until ActiveCell = xinst
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
If ActiveCell = xinst Then
r2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0)
r6 = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0)
End If
End If


Hi JR,

Thanks, the macro is finding the values but the copy paste function isnt
I've tried:

If ActiveCell = xinst Then
r2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0).copy_sheets(sheetname).range("A6")
r5 = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0)copy_sheets(sheetname).range("B6")


If ActiveCell = xinst Then
r2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0).copy
r2 =sheets(sheetname).range("A6").paste
r5 = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0)copy

but the macro crashes.

I cant see what the problem is... can you help?




I am a little confused with the your code examples. What I posted before
would get the values you need from the activesheet. I did not see in the
code where you use the values for r2 and r5. Here is how you can post the
values to other sheets/ranges along with the previous code I posted.

If ActiveCell <> xinst Then

'if no match loop to find the cell with xinst
Do Until ActiveCell = xinst
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

'Found xinst now get the r2, r5 values
If ActiveCell = xinst Then
r2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0)
r6 = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0)
End If

End If

'Put the values where needed.
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A3") = r2
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A7") = r6

I hope this helps


Hi JR,

Thanks for your help and thanks for being patient.
That's exactly what I need to copy the information to the new sheet, but
there are multiple entries of xinst.
so how do I get the macro to loop back to row4 to look for the next xinst
and then copy to the other sheet after the previous copy... ie. A4, A5, A6,
A7 and B4, B5, B6, B7.
I've tried duplicating the sheet.activate and and
activecell.offset commands but that isnt working.

thanks again




I need to understand this better let recap what I think we have so far.
1. you are looking for values in a certain row then taking the values for 2
rows above and 2 rows below.
2. With the values (r2,r5) go to another sheet and place them there.

Okay if that is right then my questions are-
*Is the Sheet Name that the values (r2,r5) will be placed the same?
*Do you want the values in a column only?
*Do you want the values in a row only?


Hi JR,

So to clarify,

I have a worksheet, the columns are filled from C to n (n being an unknown
number of columns) and rows 1 to 44.

In row 4 is the institution type, called xinst in my macro.

I would like to search row 4 for all columns to n for xinst that the user
has specified.
when the macro finds xinst in column n row4, i would like it to copy
information from rows 2 and 6 in the same column to a new sheet.
In the new sheet, the data from col n, row2 will go to col A, row 5 (the
starting row) and data from row 6 to Col B row 5.
(This is where we are up to now)
But I need the macro to carry on searching row 4 for xinst and then copy the
next instance of data to the next row in the new sheet, ie. Col A, row6 and
Col B, row 6; row 7, row 8, and so on.

The sheetname is created earlier on in the macro by an input box and is
therefore always referred to as "SheetName".

I hope this answered your queries and you can help further.

Thanks again,



Okay mike,
Here is some code to do what you want. I created sample data in a worksheet
and set the value for xinst to 5. Paste this code in your code module and
create the test data then run the Mike sub.

Sub Mike()
Dim xinst As String
Dim Oldsheet As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim ShtName As String 'Variable to simulate your code
'r2 and r6 are public variables

ShtName = "Sheet2" '"Sheet2" should be Sheetname when in your code
Oldsheet = ActiveSheet.Name 'Capture sheet so we can return to it
xinst = 5 'The value I used for testing
i = 0

If ActiveCell <> "" Then
Do Until ActiveCell = ""
If ActiveCell = xinst Then
r2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0)
r6 = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0)
i = i + 1
Call PasteMeHere(Oldsheet, i, ShtName)
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

End If
End Sub
Function PasteMeHere(shtOld As String, k As Integer, ShtName As String)

Sheets(ShtName).Select 'This will be the 'sheetname'
ActiveCell.Offset(k, 0) = r2
ActiveCell.Offset(k, 1) = r6
'return to sheet that call came from and continue
End Function

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