copy shortcut to desktop




I'm new to excel but kinda familiar with VBA for Access. I would like to
copy stored shortcuts(.lnk) to the users desktop. I have the following code.
I was trying the FileCopy but I'm pretty sure I should be using CopyFile.
What do I need to make the FileSystemObject work?

Private Sub cmdCreateDesktopShortcut_Click()

'Dim FSO As FileSystemObject
Dim strUserDesktop
Dim strDrive As String
Dim strTempPath As String
Dim strSrcePath As String

'Set FSO = New FileSystemObject

'Set up Source string

strSrcePath = "\Barberton file
shares\DocControlPLM\BatchLoadFiles\ScriptsAndZips\Shortcuts\Consolidated -

'Set up Destination string

strDrive = "D:"
strTempPath = "\Documents and Settings\" & Environ("USERNAME") & "\Desktop\"

strUserDesktop = Dir(strDrive & strTempPath)

Kill strUserDesktop

FileCopy strSrcePath, strUserDesktop

End Sub


filecopy should work. You have the following error

strDrive = "D:"
strTempPath = "\Documents and Settings\" & Environ("USERNAME") & "\Desktop\"

strUserDesktop = Dir(strDrive & strTempPath)

Kill strUserDesktop

FileCopy strSrcePath, strUserDesktop
strDrive = "D:"
strTempPath = "\Documents and Settings\" & Environ("USERNAME") & "\Desktop\"

Kill strTempPath & "*.*"

FileCopy strSrcePath, strTempPath & "Approve.lnk"

DIR will remove the PATH name from the filename giving you just the file name

I would change the envirnomenttal settings you are using since not
everybody will be on drive D:.

first I would look at the envirnomental setting at your company by doing the
1) From start button: select RUN. In the run box type cmd.exe the OK
2) From command prompt type SET. This will give you the list of
envirnomental settings.

strDrive = "D:"
strTempPath = "\Documents and Settings\" & Environ("USERNAME") & "\Desktop\"


strTempPath = environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\"



Thanks. I made the changes that you suggested but I get a run-time error
"76" Path not found.

Is there a problem with the way it sees the shortcut "Consolidated -
Approve.lnk"? The way its stored on the network is - (star icon)Consolidated
- Approve No .lnk suffix.
I took the Kill statement out. Don't want to delete strTempPath before I
have a chance to use it. If I put my cursor over the variables they show the
paths exactly the way they should.

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