Copy table from one db to another by date



I am trying to copy data from one database Import / data to another db
Export /data. Both db's reside in the same folder and both have the
same table and structure = Data. I'd like to be able to do this by
date. I can do it by macro but I need by date.


John Vinson

I am trying to copy data from one database Import / data to another db
Export /data. Both db's reside in the same folder and both have the
same table and structure = Data. I'd like to be able to do this by
date. I can do it by macro but I need by date.

You can use File... Get External Data... Link to *LINK* to a table in
the target database; then run an Append query appending data from the
local table to the target table. You can use a criterion on the date
field to limit which records are exported.

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