Copy text to a new sheet in Excel



Pete Thanks but will not work . This is what I would like to do
Batch No, Varity, 000's, Customer, Sow date, Delivery date, Location,
These are headings in a workbook called Batch No's
What I want to do is to take the name of a varity (there are 20 differant
and remove the quantity sown of a named varity of the total stock of that
at the moment I do it manuly .I can add and subtract the quantitys ok from
one book to another but is it possable to let excel do this by every time I
enter a certain varity it takes it from stock itself.
PLEASE help me ( I am not that clever so in very basic english please)


I would suggest that you calculate your remaining stock figure from an
initial stock and subtract the sum of the stock that has been sown. A
formula incorporating a SUMIF function should be able to do this.

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