Ulrik loves horses
I would like to copy the results of a calculation in a macro into the first
blank cell in column C. Note that this is NOT the cell below the ast row of
the colum.
There are more various blank and non-blanks below the first blank in column C.
How do I select the first blanc cell in Column C then?
The part of the macro below works perfectly except for the fact that it does
not copy the value in the first blanc cell but in the last cell. Adding a
line + 1 did not work until now.
Your help is really appreciated, Many thanks upfront.
If COMPANY = "SA" Or COMPANY = "sa" Then
' Select the SA 2006_2007 sheet for input
Sheets("2006_2007 BE Invoices Out").Select
'Instruction below Brings me to the last non-blank cell, but need the
line below !!!
Sheets("2006_2007 BE Invoices Out").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
I would like to copy the results of a calculation in a macro into the first
blank cell in column C. Note that this is NOT the cell below the ast row of
the colum.
There are more various blank and non-blanks below the first blank in column C.
How do I select the first blanc cell in Column C then?
The part of the macro below works perfectly except for the fact that it does
not copy the value in the first blanc cell but in the last cell. Adding a
line + 1 did not work until now.
Your help is really appreciated, Many thanks upfront.
If COMPANY = "SA" Or COMPANY = "sa" Then
' Select the SA 2006_2007 sheet for input
Sheets("2006_2007 BE Invoices Out").Select
'Instruction below Brings me to the last non-blank cell, but need the
line below !!!
Sheets("2006_2007 BE Invoices Out").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False