Hello again Abdul,
I didn’t wait for your reply and I have done some work on this using my
preferred FileDialog method for selecting both the Source and Destination
workbooks. You should be able to easily convert the FileDialog section to
Combo Box selection if you want but I suggest that you try my code unaltered
until you see what it should be doing.
However, I have had some problems with RefEdit controls. I searched the
internet for answers and it appears they have had bugs since their inception.
Most of the Events do not work properly, some do not work at all and some
cause lockups of Excel so I have totally avoided using the Events associated
with these controls.
If you want to test my code then firstly backup your workbooks.
Open a new workbook for the Userform and code.
Insert a Userform and then insert the following controls. (What you use for
captions is optional. I have included captions so you know what each control
is for.)
CommandButton1 with caption "Find Source Workbook"
CommandButton2 with caption "Find Destination Workbook"
CommandButton3 with caption "Copy and Paste Data"
CommandButton4 with caption "Activate Source Workbook"
CommandButton5 with caption "Activate Destination Workbook"
RefEdit1 Used for the selected Source range.
RefEdit2 Used for the selected Destination range.
Buttons 1 and 2 open the FileDialogBox so you can select the Source and
Destination workbooks respectively.
Buttons 4 and 5 activate the required workbook (Source or Destination) so
that the ranges can be selected for RefEdit1 and RefEdit2. Refedit controls
are only enabled while their respective workbook is the Active Workbook to
prevent range selections in the incorrect workbook being made.
Button 3 Copies and Pastes the data.
I then suggest that you insert a command button on a worksheet in the
workbook to run the following code to open the Userform.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Copy all of the below code into the Userform code module and make the
following alterations to suit your situation.
In the code under the following subs:-
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() and also in
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Edit the following line for your required path for the workbooks. Does not
matter if both the same. I have used the variable CurDir but you can use a
valid string instead like.
strPath = CurDir 'Change this line
Then just below edit the following line for the workbook name filters.
strFilename = "Visible cells s*.xls*" 'Change this line
NOTE: I have not been able to work out a way of automatically activating the
required workbook to bring it to the top for the RefEdit fields. The only way
I have had any success is to use a separate button. However, when the button
is clicked, it sets the focus to the required RefEdit field ready for
selecting the range so it does not really incorporate an extra step
'Note: Dim statements between asterisk
'lines must be at top of VBA editor in
'The Declarations area prior to any subs.
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wbDestin As Workbook
Dim strFileShort As String
Dim rngSource As Range
Dim rngDestin As Range
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.RefEdit1.Enabled = False
Me.RefEdit2.Enabled = False
Me.CommandButton4.Enabled = False
Me.CommandButton5.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'This routine to get the source workbook
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strFileFilter As String
'Edit following line to Source path.
strPath = CurDir
'Edit following line to Source name filter.
strFilename = "Visible cells s*.xls*"
strFileFilter = strPath & "\" & strFilename
strTitle = "Select required source file"
'Calls sub to open FilePicker DialogBox
Call OpenWorkbook(strTitle, strFileFilter)
Set wbSource = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set wbSource = Workbooks(strFileShort)
On Error GoTo 0
If wbSource Is Nothing Then
Application.AutomationSecurity _
= msoAutomationSecurityLow
Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open _
(strFileShort, _
UpdateLinks:=False, _
Application.AutomationSecurity _
= msoAutomationSecurityByUI
End If
Me.CommandButton4.Enabled = True
Me.RefEdit1.Enabled = True
Me.RefEdit2.Enabled = False
If Not wbDestin Is Nothing Then
Me.CommandButton5.Enabled = True
Me.CommandButton5.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'This routine to get the Destination workbook
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strFileFilter As String
strTitle = "Select required destination file"
'Edit following line to Destination path.
strPath = CurDir
'Edit following line to Destination name filter.
strFilename = "Visible cells d*.xls*"
strFileFilter = strPath & "\" & strFilename
'Calls sub to open FilePicker DialogBox
Call OpenWorkbook(strTitle, strFileFilter)
Set wbDestin = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set wbDestin = Workbooks(strFileShort)
On Error GoTo 0
If wbDestin Is Nothing Then
Application.AutomationSecurity = _
Set wbDestin = Workbooks.Open _
(strFileShort, _
UpdateLinks:=False, _
Application.AutomationSecurity _
= msoAutomationSecurityByUI
End If
Me.CommandButton5.Enabled = True
Me.RefEdit2.Enabled = True
Me.RefEdit1.Enabled = False
If Not wbSource Is Nothing Then
Me.CommandButton4.Enabled = True
Me.CommandButton4.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
'This routine:
'Assigns the RefEdit data to range variables.
'Excludes the hidden ranges in the variables.
'Creates an array for the destination offsets.
'Copies and pastes the data by rows using a loop.
Dim strWsName As String
Dim strAddress As String
Dim lngTotCols As Long
Dim DestinOffset()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim rngCel As Range
'Bring Destination workbook to top
'Assign RefEdit1 range to a range variable
strWsName = Left(Me.RefEdit1, _
InStr(1, Me.RefEdit1, "!") - 1)
strAddress = Mid(Me.RefEdit1, _
InStr(1, Me.RefEdit1, "$"))
Set rngSource = wbSource.Sheets _
'Save the total number of columns for Offset.
lngTotCols = rngSource.Columns.Count
'Exclude hidden cells from the range.
If rngSource.Rows.Count > 1 Then
Set rngSource = rngSource.Columns(1) _
Set rngSource = rngSource.Cells(1, 1)
End If
'Assign RefEdit2 range to a range variable
strWsName = Left(Me.RefEdit2, _
InStr(1, Me.RefEdit2, "!") - 1)
strAddress = Mid(Me.RefEdit2, _
InStr(1, Me.RefEdit2, "$"))
Set rngDestin = wbDestin.Sheets _
If rngDestin.Cells.Count <> 1 Then
MsgBox "Please re-select destination." & _
vbCrLf & "Select ONE visible cell only."
Exit Sub
End If
'Create array of destination offsets.
ReDim DestinOffset(1 To rngSource.Cells.Count)
i = 0 'Initialize
j = 0 'Initialize
If rngDestin.Offset(j) _
.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
i = i + 1
DestinOffset(i) = j
End If
j = j + 1
Loop While i < UBound(DestinOffset)
'Loop to copy and paste the rows
'from source to the destination.
i = 0 'Initialize
For Each rngCel In rngSource
i = i + 1
Range(rngCel, rngCel.Offset _
(0, lngTotCols - 1)).Copy _
Destination:=rngDestin _
Next rngCel
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
'This routine to re-activate the
'Source workbook if already open.
If Not wbSource Is Nothing Then
Me.RefEdit1.Enabled = True
Me.RefEdit2.Enabled = False
MsgBox "Source workbook not open"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
'This routine to re-activate the
'Destinatione workbook if already open.
If Not wbDestin Is Nothing Then
Me.RefEdit2.Enabled = True
Me.RefEdit1.Enabled = False
MsgBox "Destination workbook not open"
End If
End Sub
Sub OpenWorkbook(strTitle As String, _
strFileFilter As String)
'This routine opens FileDialog and is
'called from both CommandButton1_Click
'and CommandButton2_Click.
Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim strFileLong As String
'Dim strFileShort As String
Set fd = Application.FileDialog _
With fd
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Filters.Add _
"All Microsoft Excel Files", "*.xls*"
.InitialFileName = strFileFilter
.Title = strTitle
If .Show = False Then
MsgBox "User cancelled." & vbCrLf & _
"Processing terminated."
Exit Sub
End If
strFileLong = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
strFileShort = Right(strFileLong, _
Len(strFileLong) - _
InStrRev(strFileLong, "\"))
End Sub