Based on the following, Format Painter in Excel 2002 should work the same.
"The Format Painter in Excel 2002
Excel lets you use the Format Painter as well. Click the cell containing the formatting you want to use, click the Format Painter icon, and click one cell or drag a range of cells to duplicate the formatting. Cell formatting, in this case, includes character attributes, number formats, alignment, borders, patterns, and protection."
Do you want to try to add another Format Painter icon to the toolbar and see what happens?
Click Tools > Customize > Commands > Format, then scroll down on the RIGHT side until you see Format Painter. Click and drag it to the toolbar.
Now try to use this newly added format painter and see what happens?
So, you got it working in Word? There are shortcut keys in Word that are equivalent to Format Painter. But I didn't seem to find the shortcut keys in Excel.
Maybe the following is the alternative if you can't get Format Painter working. I found the following from a reliable site and I tried it. It worked.
Sub PasteFormats()
Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
You can put this code into a standard macro module, then assign a keyboard shortcut to it. Then to "paint a format" do a copy (Ctrl-C) on the cell or range you want to copy formats from, then select the cell or range you want to copy the formats to, then type the keyboard shortcut you assigned to the PasteFormats sub.
I followed your advices, position the cursor with the paint brush in D1,
click and... nothing happens (only the brush disappears)!
I have version 2002 SP2