Hi, all,
I am trying to load a spreadsheet (OWC) on my ASP page directly from the
However, since the returned recordset can be huge, I will only load the
spreadsheet with first 1000 rows, if users choose to see the next 1000 rows,
I will load the next 1000 rows - pretty much treating the spreadsheet as a
list box but with Excel functions.
I do by something like this:
rs.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
rs.CursorType = 1 'adOpenKeyset
rs.LockType = 3 'adLockOptimistic
rs.PageSize = 1000
rs.Open sSQL, Cnn
SS1.ActiveSheet.Cells.copyFromRecordset rs,1000
And this has been successful. But when I try to load the next 1000 rows, it
still displays the first 1000 rows. I do this by:
rs.AbsolutePage = 2
SS1.ActiveSheet.Cells.copyFromRecordset rs,1000
I check the recordset before the "copyFromRecordset" method, and the
recordset is at the correct position. But the "copyFromRecordset" seems to
ignore it, and load the spreadsheet from the BOF of the recordset.
Anyone knows about this? Thanks.
I am trying to load a spreadsheet (OWC) on my ASP page directly from the
However, since the returned recordset can be huge, I will only load the
spreadsheet with first 1000 rows, if users choose to see the next 1000 rows,
I will load the next 1000 rows - pretty much treating the spreadsheet as a
list box but with Excel functions.
I do by something like this:
rs.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
rs.CursorType = 1 'adOpenKeyset
rs.LockType = 3 'adLockOptimistic
rs.PageSize = 1000
rs.Open sSQL, Cnn
SS1.ActiveSheet.Cells.copyFromRecordset rs,1000
And this has been successful. But when I try to load the next 1000 rows, it
still displays the first 1000 rows. I do this by:
rs.AbsolutePage = 2
SS1.ActiveSheet.Cells.copyFromRecordset rs,1000
I check the recordset before the "copyFromRecordset" method, and the
recordset is at the correct position. But the "copyFromRecordset" seems to
ignore it, and load the spreadsheet from the BOF of the recordset.
Anyone knows about this? Thanks.