Copying Address Book - Using Outlook Express


Bill Johnson

How can I copy my address book from my Desktop to my
Laptop. I did the export of "WAB" files using, fields
separated by comma, and imported into my laptop. I got
all the address but did not get any of my groups which
are somewhat large. Can anyone help please. System is
Outlook Express 6.0 and Windows XP (home edition).

Also any chance of coping My Favorites to the laptop.

Thanks Bill Johnson

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

This is a group to support Outlook from the Office group of programs.
Outlook Express is a part of Internet Explorer and is a quite different
program despite its similar name..

You will probably get a faster and more expert answer if you post this to an
outlook express news group.

Try posting in one of these newsgroups: for OE 5.x for OE 5.5x for OE 6.x

A good website for information on OE is:

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