Copying and pasting results with an icon



I get an icon instead of words when copying from Word or anywhere else and
pasting into a new email. The icon has a blue circle or hand with a green
arrow pointing up from it and there is a yellow circle on the right side with
a black rectangle and exlamation mark in it. When you right click you can't
covert it into anything. When you select properties it tells you that it is
a picture (device independent bitmap). It pastes the same way into Word,
just the little icon/picture. This happens when just selecting copy and
paste. I copied two lines of words and it pasted the icon. I have HTML set
as the format in Outlook, but when you select plain text it still pastes that
Please let me know what you think. The other posts do not have an answer to
it so I am trying a new post.
Thank you.

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