copying as a jpg or similiar



I have created a flyer to sent via email. It will now allow me to copy and
paste this flyer (graphics included) into an email. I do not want to put it
as an attachment...I want the people to see it the moment they open the
message. I cannot save it into photobucket like I have for other things
because it needs to be a jpg or similiar.

Before my laptop and Vista, I was able to actually pull it up into my Corel
Paint Shop Pro but now I cannot even pull it up in there.

Can someone please help me?


I don't really understand what the current format is of the flyer that you
can not paste it into an email. It would be helpful if you tell us the
format and also the version of email you are using.

One thing you should try is to "select all" which is ctrl-a and the "copy"
which is a ctrl-c then go the the email body and do a "paste" which is ctrl-v.

Graham Mayor

The formatting requirements of Word document and HTML e-mail are radically
Furthermore you have no control over how a recipient will view your html
e-mail and many recipients will only view e-mails as plain text, in which
case your effort would be wasted. The only way to ensure that your message
is received in the format it was intended is to send it as a PDF format
Beyond that you can create your flyer in Word's web view or an html editor.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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