Elizabeth A. Bañuelos
Running Outlook 2003 SP3 on Windows XP.
Receive an Email with multiple attachments and decide to attach these to a
new or existing HTML format message by selecting them and then copying them
across it will appear to work. However, if you look closely at the
attachments in the Email you'll see that although they all have the correct
names they are all the same size and in fact are all a copy of the first
attachment that was copied across.
The consequences of this can be pretty embarassing or even dangerous!
Has anyone else experienced this issue or had it confirmed by Microsoft as a
known issue?
Receive an Email with multiple attachments and decide to attach these to a
new or existing HTML format message by selecting them and then copying them
across it will appear to work. However, if you look closely at the
attachments in the Email you'll see that although they all have the correct
names they are all the same size and in fact are all a copy of the first
attachment that was copied across.
The consequences of this can be pretty embarassing or even dangerous!
Has anyone else experienced this issue or had it confirmed by Microsoft as a
known issue?