Copying conditional formating



Hi All,

I need to copy the folowwing conditional fromat into my spreadsheet

Formula Is =COUNTIF(A4:G4,"Y")

I want to copy this so if G8= Y cells A8:G8 go grey etc
I have set the format but it wont copy. I have been paying around with the
$ sign but still no joy

My head hurts please help

VMT Paul


The conditional formating requires a boolean (true or false) to be returned.
Your expression returns a number. You really want something like this


enter the conditional formating in Format - Conditional Format and change
"Cell Value is" to "formula is". enter your formula in the 1st box and
sleect the Pattern (color). Because the columns are always going to be A - G
put a dollar sign in front of the Column Letters.

To copy conditional formating you need to use PasteSpecial with format
selected. Put the conditional formating in one cell then copy and use
PasteSpecial in the other cells.


Highlight the cells A8:G8, then click on Format | Conditional
Formatting. In the pop-up you should select Formula Is rather than
Cell Value Is in the first box, and enter this formula:


Then you can click on the Format button and if you want the background
colour to be grey you need to click the Patterns tab and then choose
grey. Click OK twice to exit the dialogue boxes.

If you want to apply the same formatting to other rows, then highlight
A8:G8 and double click the Format Painter icon. Then you can click on
A9, A10, A11 etc in turn and the format will be applied. Press <Esc>
to cancel the Format Painter.

Hope this helps.


David Biddulph

I can't reconcile your formula with what you say you want to do.
If the condition for A8:G8 to be formatted is that G8=Y, the Formula Is
condition would be =$G8="Y".


Thanks very much Pete. Sorted

Pete_UK said:
Highlight the cells A8:G8, then click on Format | Conditional
Formatting. In the pop-up you should select Formula Is rather than
Cell Value Is in the first box, and enter this formula:


Then you can click on the Format button and if you want the background
colour to be grey you need to click the Patterns tab and then choose
grey. Click OK twice to exit the dialogue boxes.

If you want to apply the same formatting to other rows, then highlight
A8:G8 and double click the Format Painter icon. Then you can click on
A9, A10, A11 etc in turn and the format will be applied. Press <Esc>
to cancel the Format Painter.

Hope this helps.


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