Copying data from one sheet to another


Ametuer Excel User

I work in the construction industry and we have created a spreadsheet that
lists our projects. Each row includes various info names, dollar amount,
dates etc. Currently we use four different colors to highlight our list so
we can identify jobs in progress, sold jobs, pending jobs etc.

What I would like to do is break my spreadsheet into four different
categories by copying the info from our main spread to other sheets based on
if certain criteria has been met.

For example: We manually change the background color of a row with job info
to green if we have sold the job. I would like to have all of the green rows
automatically go to another spreadsheet entitled Sold Jobs.

I would like the same functionality for Pending jobs (orange) Jobs in
progress (yellow) and jobs not awarded (red)

Is this even possible.

Don Guillett

You could develop a macro using the same criteria from a list or use
if cells(i,1).interior.colorindex=6 then
or just leave as is and use data>filter>autofilter>

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