Copying Excel Table into Word partially fails


Stefan Robert


I would like to copy a table from Excel 2004 to Word 2004.

When I do this, I do "Paste Special..." and select "Picture".

The graph appears into word but it is missing a section. If I click on
the Picture in word, the selection box surronding it seems to
understand that my picture is bigger that it appears because there is a
big white block on the right section of my picture instead of the
remaining part of the table.

Is ther a way to correct this problem?


Daiya Mitchell

Is your table bigger than a page? Word won't let you paste objects or
pictures bigger than a page, and instead of scaling, I think it just crops
(sometimes it will scale). Not quite sure whether that applies in your


Hi Stefan-

Your post refers to both a "table" and a "graph". Are you trying to
copy & paste both at the same time? If so, that is probably the cause
of the problem. You would probably be better off doing one item at a

You might also wnt to consider a different approach altogether. Are you
familiar with the Insert>Object command iin Word? This may give you
more options and better results.

Hope this is useful |:>)

Stefan Robert

Is your table bigger than a page? Word won't let you paste objects or
pictures bigger than a page, and instead of scaling, I think it just crops
(sometimes it will scale). Not quite sure whether that applies in your

Ah, this looks like it. My "Picture" seems to be properly scaled but
the image is cropped inside the scaled boundary. (Meaning, the boundary
of the image is bigger than the cropped image)

If I try to "un-crop" the image in the "Format Image..." dialog box,
this does not work... because the cropped portion of the image is gone.
It seems like Word cropped the image or deleted a section of the image.

Quite annoying.

Stefan Robert

Hi Stefan-

Your post refers to both a "table" and a "graph". Are you trying to
copy & paste both at the same time? If so, that is probably the cause
of the problem. You would probably be better off doing one item at a

You might also wnt to consider a different approach altogether. Are you
familiar with the Insert>Object command iin Word? This may give you
more options and better results.

Hope this is useful |:>)

Ah, no, I was not trying to copy a table and a graph. Just a table.
However, I tried the "insert object" command and the same problem


Hello Again-

It does sound like the volume of Excel content is more than will fit on
a page. You might try changing page orientation to Landscape, but that
probably won't make much difference.

Another way to go: File>Open, and choose either All or Excel Files as
the File Type.

This should open the file as a Word Table as a new doc in which you can
then select and set the column widths, margins, orientation as
necessary. Save this as a formatted Word doc and then open the other
file & use the Insert>File command to insert the newly created Table

Hopefuly this will work out, but keep in mind that Word is limited to
something like 53 columns in a table (that varies depending on version,
I believe, but it is pretty close). You may still wind up having to
"split" your data in order to get the job done.

Hope this helps |:>)


As discussed in a neighbor thread

Office 2004: "Paste Special" "Picture" loses 67% of the image

the workaround told by Microsoft Germany is

hold shift - edit - picture copy in Excel
choose "as shown on screen"
paste in Word with Apple-V
works fine

if I choose "as printed" (to avoid comment markers, mistake markers)
no problem on my G5
same on Powerbook: cropped table again

don't know why; same files both Excel and Word, same table, same
column width ...
I cleaned the Office installation from Powerbook, re-installed, same
problem ...
Thanks Martin


This morning showering I found the solution: we have to respect the
printout limitations if we "copy picture - as printout".

Very easy, isn't it? :)

Exactly these columns are cropped within Word or any other program,
which would not fit into the printout (and would find their way by
printing with Excel to the 2nd, 3rd ... page).

Follow these rules:

If you want

to choose "as printed"

reduce the column width so it would fit into a printout
change the Excel print settings to "scale fit on one page"


choose "as displayed on screen" during the process "shift-copy" - as

no problem at all, besides the triangles are shown in Word

Workaround: hide the comment (red) and mistake (green) triangles in
Excel's settings.

HTH Martin59

Stefan Robert

I was not aware of the Shift | Edit | Copy Picture... "Feature"

It works for me when I do it via the "as displayed on screen"

I tried what you did for the "as printed" option and it does not work.

I selected the Print Area and went into Page Setup to make it fit on 1
by 1 page. When I look at the print preview from Excel it is OK, but
when I paste it in Word, it is not...



Hi Stefan,
it worked for me all the time. But I did not actually select an print
area, just set all worksheets in the workbook to fit to "1 by 1", then
copy special/paste.


Working again with my project, I choosed another printer driver, and:
problem rises again.
Changing the printer driver solved the problem.
Try it and please tell me.
HTH Martin59

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