Copying fields and styles and others



Hi All:

1. I want to copy headers and footers from a master doc to others. The
contain a mix of text and fields (page numbers etc). A simple Copy onl
takes the text. How do I get the whole header/footer to copy?

2. I use OrganizerCopy to copy all the styles from a master doc t
others. My two bulleted styles lose their bullets in the transition
Any way around this?

3. I must be missing something very simple. To copy a master doc'
pagesetup, I open up the master each time, and transfer the variou
properties of its PageSetup object to another doc with a large numbe
of assignment statements. I would prefer to do this by openoing th
master doc once, creating a persistent PageSetup object, and assignin
the object to new docs as needed. I've fiddled with the New operator i
various ways, but I can't get it to make a new pagesetup object. i mus
be missing a basic principle here

Very many thanks in advance,

Mark Tangard


Sounds like you're trying to do manually what a Word template is designed to do

Instead of trying to push settings into an existing document, create a template
(a real template, that is, a ".dot" file) to hold your headers, footers, styles,
page setup specs, etc.), and base your new docs on it. (File->New->...). This
may especially help avoid the Mangled Bullet Syndrome you describe. Storing
these sorts of settings a template rather than a document has many advantages.
See for the
full story and instructions.

If you're getting these docs from somewhere else, and the originators can't be
made to base their docs on your template, try attaching your template via the
Tools-> Templates & Add-Ins dialog instead. (Open the target doc, click Attach,
check 'Automatically update document styles', browse to your template, click
OK.) (Go back and uncheck the Update box afterward or your doc will continually
seek its template to get styles.)

You shouldn't need to open your master doc to copy its page setup specs. If for
some reason these docs can't be based on a template as described already, you
can just place those specs in a macro and run it once on each target doc.

(BTW, the term "master document" has a special and very different meaning in
Word -- one that can cause the dead to rise and walk the earth eating brains --
so it's best to avoid using it here lest you find yourself... indisposed).

Hope this helps a little.

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