Hi All:
1. I want to copy headers and footers from a master doc to others. The
contain a mix of text and fields (page numbers etc). A simple Copy onl
takes the text. How do I get the whole header/footer to copy?
2. I use OrganizerCopy to copy all the styles from a master doc t
others. My two bulleted styles lose their bullets in the transition
Any way around this?
3. I must be missing something very simple. To copy a master doc'
pagesetup, I open up the master each time, and transfer the variou
properties of its PageSetup object to another doc with a large numbe
of assignment statements. I would prefer to do this by openoing th
master doc once, creating a persistent PageSetup object, and assignin
the object to new docs as needed. I've fiddled with the New operator i
various ways, but I can't get it to make a new pagesetup object. i mus
be missing a basic principle here
Very many thanks in advance,
1. I want to copy headers and footers from a master doc to others. The
contain a mix of text and fields (page numbers etc). A simple Copy onl
takes the text. How do I get the whole header/footer to copy?
2. I use OrganizerCopy to copy all the styles from a master doc t
others. My two bulleted styles lose their bullets in the transition
Any way around this?
3. I must be missing something very simple. To copy a master doc'
pagesetup, I open up the master each time, and transfer the variou
properties of its PageSetup object to another doc with a large numbe
of assignment statements. I would prefer to do this by openoing th
master doc once, creating a persistent PageSetup object, and assignin
the object to new docs as needed. I've fiddled with the New operator i
various ways, but I can't get it to make a new pagesetup object. i mus
be missing a basic principle here
Very many thanks in advance,