Usha Vas
Sorry if this question has been asked before, but I searched through this
newsgroup and found different variations but not quite....
I have 2 documents and am trying to create a 3rd from the first 2. 1st
document has a header with some fields and text (like page number, date and
company info) followed by the content, and 2nd document just has content (no
header). I create the 3rd document by inserting second document at the end of
the first and saving it as the 3rd document. However, I can't seem to get the
fields of the header from the first document into the 3rd document.
Doing the following:
Dim Text As String = objDocument1.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text
objDocument3.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text = Text
only copies the text, and the field values are copied as text from the first
document, so on all pages, I get 1 of 1 ({PageNumber} of {NumPages}).
Is there a way I can copy the field like PageNumber and Date over to the 3rd
document and then update them?
I need to do the update after the 3rd document is created, since I need the
header on the pages of the 2nd document as well.
Here is the code:
Dim myApp As Word.Application = New Word.Application
myApp.Application.Visible = False
Dim objDocument1 As Word.Document =
myApp.Documents.Open("c:\doc1.doc", ReadOnly:=True)
With myApp.Selection.Find
.Text = "<!firstname!>"
With .Replacement
.Text = "Usha"
End With
End With
With myApp.Selection.Find
.Text = "<!lastname!>"
With .Replacement
.Text = "Vas"
End With
End With
Dim objDocument3 As Word.Document = myApp.Documents.Add()
Dim Range1 As Word.Range = objDocument1.Range.FormattedText
Dim Range3 As Word.Range = objDocument3.Range
Dim Selection3 As Word.Selection = objDocument3.ActiveWindow.Selection
Range3.FormattedText = Range1.FormattedText
With Selection3
.InsertFile(FileName:="c:\doc2.doc", ConfirmConversions:=False)
End With
Dim Text As String = objDocument1.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text
objDocument3.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text = Text
objDocument1 = Nothing
objDocument3 = Nothing
myApp = Nothing
newsgroup and found different variations but not quite....
I have 2 documents and am trying to create a 3rd from the first 2. 1st
document has a header with some fields and text (like page number, date and
company info) followed by the content, and 2nd document just has content (no
header). I create the 3rd document by inserting second document at the end of
the first and saving it as the 3rd document. However, I can't seem to get the
fields of the header from the first document into the 3rd document.
Doing the following:
Dim Text As String = objDocument1.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text
objDocument3.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text = Text
only copies the text, and the field values are copied as text from the first
document, so on all pages, I get 1 of 1 ({PageNumber} of {NumPages}).
Is there a way I can copy the field like PageNumber and Date over to the 3rd
document and then update them?
I need to do the update after the 3rd document is created, since I need the
header on the pages of the 2nd document as well.
Here is the code:
Dim myApp As Word.Application = New Word.Application
myApp.Application.Visible = False
Dim objDocument1 As Word.Document =
myApp.Documents.Open("c:\doc1.doc", ReadOnly:=True)
With myApp.Selection.Find
.Text = "<!firstname!>"
With .Replacement
.Text = "Usha"
End With
End With
With myApp.Selection.Find
.Text = "<!lastname!>"
With .Replacement
.Text = "Vas"
End With
End With
Dim objDocument3 As Word.Document = myApp.Documents.Add()
Dim Range1 As Word.Range = objDocument1.Range.FormattedText
Dim Range3 As Word.Range = objDocument3.Range
Dim Selection3 As Word.Selection = objDocument3.ActiveWindow.Selection
Range3.FormattedText = Range1.FormattedText
With Selection3
.InsertFile(FileName:="c:\doc2.doc", ConfirmConversions:=False)
End With
Dim Text As String = objDocument1.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text
objDocument3.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Text = Text
objDocument1 = Nothing
objDocument3 = Nothing
myApp = Nothing