Copying from Subtotal Data



I have a table in which I have inserted subtotals. I would like to copy
certain cells from the table to another area of the spreadsheet. When only
the subtotals are showing and the other rows are hidden I would like to be
able to copy only the subtotal rows. Is there a way to ignore the hidden
rows and copy only the subtotal rows to the clipboard?

For example, I have data in rows 1 - 50. In rows 10, 20, 35 and 50 are
subtotals. When I collapse the table only those rows with subtotals are
showing but if I select those subtotal rows to be copied all of the rows btw.
them are also sent to the clipboard. Can I get only rows 10, 20, 35, and 50
to copy?

Thanks for your assistance.

Dave Peterson

Hide the details in the range that has subtotals
select the range to copy
edit|goto|special|visible cells only
Now do your copy and paste


Thank you very much.

Dave Peterson said:
Hide the details in the range that has subtotals
select the range to copy
edit|goto|special|visible cells only
Now do your copy and paste

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