I use Office XP and often drawing figures/graphics in
PowerPoint, then copy and paste them into Word. Since the
change over from Office 97 to XP, that copy and paste
process has changed. Whatever I paste into Word comes out
either looking a bit fuzzy or out of whack from the way I
drew it.
The fuzziness is a problem because I have most of my work
posted onto an intranet. Though the printed copy looks
fine, the fuzziness makes reading online work difficult.
1) Is anyone else having this problem?
2) Does anyone know how to solve the problem?
PowerPoint, then copy and paste them into Word. Since the
change over from Office 97 to XP, that copy and paste
process has changed. Whatever I paste into Word comes out
either looking a bit fuzzy or out of whack from the way I
drew it.
The fuzziness is a problem because I have most of my work
posted onto an intranet. Though the printed copy looks
fine, the fuzziness makes reading online work difficult.
1) Is anyone else having this problem?
2) Does anyone know how to solve the problem?