Copying graphics from PowerPoint to Word



I use Office XP and often drawing figures/graphics in
PowerPoint, then copy and paste them into Word. Since the
change over from Office 97 to XP, that copy and paste
process has changed. Whatever I paste into Word comes out
either looking a bit fuzzy or out of whack from the way I
drew it.

The fuzziness is a problem because I have most of my work
posted onto an intranet. Though the printed copy looks
fine, the fuzziness makes reading online work difficult.

1) Is anyone else having this problem?
2) Does anyone know how to solve the problem?


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Carlos,

It can be several things. Check to see what the
Pixel per inch setting in Word is for
Tools=>Options=>Genreal=>[Web Options].
96 ppi is the max for screen resolution in Windows.
If Word is 'expanding' a bitmapped graphic on paste
it can appear 'fuzzy' as it would be stretching
the same number of pixels over a different area.

Also when pasting see what format Word is seeing
by using Edit=>Paste Special and try different formats.

==========I use Office XP and often drawing figures/graphics in
PowerPoint, then copy and paste them into Word. Since the
change over from Office 97 to XP, that copy and paste
process has changed. Whatever I paste into Word comes out
either looking a bit fuzzy or out of whack from the way I
drew it.

The fuzziness is a problem because I have most of my work
posted onto an intranet. Though the printed copy looks
fine, the fuzziness makes reading online work difficult.

1) Is anyone else having this problem?
2) Does anyone know how to solve the problem?

Thanks. <<
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You might try opening the picture in a graphics editor and resampling it to
the exact size you need in Word.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Carlos said:

Thanks for helping.

I changed the settings in Tools>Options>General>Web
options, but to no avail.

I've tried pasting (via paste special) and used every
format available to me. When I paste using GIF, PNG or JPG
format, the graphic appears in word much larger than the
page and must be resized to fit the margins. When it
first appears on the screen (large) it is clear and
readable. When I resize, it turns fuzzy. I'm using one
inch margins as part of our mandatory formatting guidance.

If I import using the "Picture" or "Enhanced Metafile",
the graphic is clear, but with the graphic resized to the
edges of the one inch margins, the some of the letters are
pushed together and unreadable in some places on the

I even tried saving the graphic off as a JPG, GIF, etc.
then importing it to word as an image, but I still have
the same problem.

Do you have any other ideas on how I could get these
images in and clear? This used to work with Office 97
before we upgraded to Office XP and I was hoping I could
find a solution or I will have to find another program to
work my graphics.


-----Original Message-----
Hi Carlos,

It can be several things. Check to see what the
Pixel per inch setting in Word is for
Tools=>Options=>Genreal=>[Web Options].
96 ppi is the max for screen resolution in Windows.
If Word is 'expanding' a bitmapped graphic on paste
it can appear 'fuzzy' as it would be stretching
the same number of pixels over a different area.

Also when pasting see what format Word is seeing
by using Edit=>Paste Special and try different formats.

"Carlos" <[email protected]> wrote in message
I use Office XP and often drawing figures/graphics in
PowerPoint, then copy and paste them into Word. Since the
change over from Office 97 to XP, that copy and paste
process has changed. Whatever I paste into Word comes out
either looking a bit fuzzy or out of whack from the way I
drew it.

The fuzziness is a problem because I have most of my work
posted onto an intranet. Though the printed copy looks
fine, the fuzziness makes reading online work difficult.

1) Is anyone else having this problem?
2) Does anyone know how to solve the problem?

Thanks. <<
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*



We were just talking about this very idea at work today.
I will use it as justification to get a graphics program
so that I can do more. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
You might try opening the picture in a graphics editor and resampling it to
the exact size you need in Word.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Carlos said:

Thanks for helping.

I changed the settings in Tools>Options>General>Web
options, but to no avail.

I've tried pasting (via paste special) and used every
format available to me. When I paste using GIF, PNG or JPG
format, the graphic appears in word much larger than the
page and must be resized to fit the margins. When it
first appears on the screen (large) it is clear and
readable. When I resize, it turns fuzzy. I'm using one
inch margins as part of our mandatory formatting guidance.

If I import using the "Picture" or "Enhanced Metafile",
the graphic is clear, but with the graphic resized to the
edges of the one inch margins, the some of the letters are
pushed together and unreadable in some places on the

I even tried saving the graphic off as a JPG, GIF, etc.
then importing it to word as an image, but I still have
the same problem.

Do you have any other ideas on how I could get these
images in and clear? This used to work with Office 97
before we upgraded to Office XP and I was hoping I could
find a solution or I will have to find another program to
work my graphics.


-----Original Message-----
Hi Carlos,

It can be several things. Check to see what the
Pixel per inch setting in Word is for
Tools=>Options=>Genreal=>[Web Options].
96 ppi is the max for screen resolution in Windows.
If Word is 'expanding' a bitmapped graphic on paste
it can appear 'fuzzy' as it would be stretching
the same number of pixels over a different area.

Also when pasting see what format Word is seeing
by using Edit=>Paste Special and try different formats.

I use Office XP and often drawing figures/graphics in
PowerPoint, then copy and paste them into Word. Since the
change over from Office 97 to XP, that copy and paste
process has changed. Whatever I paste into Word comes out
either looking a bit fuzzy or out of whack from the way I
drew it.

The fuzziness is a problem because I have most of my work
posted onto an intranet. Though the printed copy looks
fine, the fuzziness makes reading online work difficult.

1) Is anyone else having this problem?
2) Does anyone know how to solve the problem?

Thanks. <<
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*



Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Carlos,

You may want to try this one first to see if it's
going to help before spending money on a package :)

We were just talking about this very idea at work today.
I will use it as justification to get a graphics program
so that I can do more. Thanks. >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

The Office 2003 System parts explained

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Carlos,

Can you zip and email a PPT presentation you're
using where you're seeing this problem?


Thanks for helping.

I changed the settings in Tools>Options>General>Web
options, but to no avail.

I've tried pasting (via paste special) and used every
format available to me. When I paste using GIF, PNG or JPG
format, the graphic appears in word much larger than the
page and must be resized to fit the margins. When it
first appears on the screen (large) it is clear and
readable. When I resize, it turns fuzzy. I'm using one
inch margins as part of our mandatory formatting guidance.

If I import using the "Picture" or "Enhanced Metafile",
the graphic is clear, but with the graphic resized to the
edges of the one inch margins, the some of the letters are
pushed together and unreadable in some places on the

I even tried saving the graphic off as a JPG, GIF, etc.
then importing it to word as an image, but I still have
the same problem.

Do you have any other ideas on how I could get these
images in and clear? This used to work with Office 97
before we upgraded to Office XP and I was hoping I could
find a solution or I will have to find another program to
work my graphics.


Carlos >>

Larry Randall


Cut the image, then Edit->Paste Special,
select "Picture". That will solve the problem, and save
file size. You can the use Right Click, Format picture to
set size, position, compression, and wrapping.

Larry Randall
Word expert

Carlos Paez


I tried that and no joy. The "picture" is fuzzy and only
clears up when I change the size of the image to
something bigger than will fit on the page.


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