Without going into a lot of detail about how the clipboard works, when you
copy a Word Range (or anything else), it is put on the clipboard in several
formats, some of which may include hidden text, some of which may not. When
you paste from the clipboard, what gets pasted depends upon the application
you are pasting into and the format you use - or it uses.
Text formats (such as might paste into Notepad) do not include hidden text
(that's actually hidden) by default, but can be made to in VBA. The
TextRetrievalMode.IncludeHiddenText property controls this - and this is
probably the option LordHog is looking for; there is no need to use
temporary documents or to change what shows on screen.
If formatted text is being pasted, then what happens to it depends on the
Application; what application is being used?
@Tony: The issue is not selecting the hidden text, it's that Word will
not copy hidden text to the clipboard along with other text (a very
interesting wrinkle I had never noticed before). LH's issue is
selecting a range that contains both hidden and non-hidden text and
copying it. I suggested a macro that copies the selection, creates a
new doc, pastes, unhides everything, copies it all, and then closes
the new doc, but that seems like too many steps to do what sounds like
a simple task. Any ideas?
@LH: try recording a macro to do this. It's pretty simple and macros
can be a lot of fun if you've got any geek in you!
There is a useful command that you cannot record that would help when
closing the other document: "application.displayalerts = false" will
turn off prompts and dialogs. Be sure to set it back to true before
the macro ends.