copying hyperlink



ok i have a set up like this :

a column of hyperlinks. a hyperlink that looks like this

=HYPERLINK("c:/" & C3 & ".txt",C3)

basically when a cell is clicked a document is displayed based on th
value in C3.

all i want to do is copy the cell hyperlink into another worksheet. bu
i dont want to copy the formulae but the RESULT.

for example the above forumlae result might be :


i want to be able to copy the above RESULT anywhere. how do i do it?
cant seem to find anything in paste special that does it.

your help would be appreciated.




Try linking the cells across the worksheet.


Where 'Sheet1' is your sheet name and '$a$1' is the cell you wish to link.


Or if that is still not what you are looking for, newer versions of excel
have a clipboard icon popup when you paste. One of the pulldown options is
'values only'. This should give you result only and no formula.


Jesse said:

Try linking the cells across the worksheet.


Where 'Sheet1' is your sheet name and '$a$1' is the cell you wish to link.


thanks for the reply but..................basically we are using

1 worksheet contains the hyperlink forumlae. 1 sheet needs to contai
the forumlae RESULT. this is because..........the hyperlink forumla
will be moved into another worksheet - so linking it to the forumlae i
no good.

basically we use excel for a work bank so when we get jobs in its use
for that. when a job is complete, the worsheet with the formulae i
moved into the "work done" sheet. so thats why i need to be able t
cooy the result instead of the formulae or linking the forumulae.

there should be an easy way to copy a forumlae result and not th



im actually on holiday but i will phone work (cos they are using offic
2003 - newest excel) and tell them about the clipbook.

il llet you know how i get on

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