copying information from outlook to onenote


Ed T

I am trying my best to set up a onenote page, one per person, that tracks
what is happening with that person. For starters I would like to simply copy
in their contact information and any upcoming appointments they have. Should
be simple? I start out in onenote and create a page, then go to tools,
create an outlook item, contacts and am taken to outlook where I create a new
contact - however when I tell outlook to send the info back to outlook it
puts the informtion in a different page "unfiled" so now I have two different
pages when I wanted just one. If I repeat the process with an appointment I
now have three pages when the whole purpose of onenote I tought was to make
it easier to keep everything organized in one place. Is there a better way
to do this?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Start in Outlook and not in OneNote. If you send infomration about a
Contact to OneNote, it will create a new Page in whatever section you've
specified under Tools | Options | Outlook Integration | Contacts.

Each time you send information into OneNote it will be added as a new Page
and not appended to an existing page. Starting from Outlook per above lets
you cut out a few steps from your processing.

Steve Silverwood

On Sat, 15 Nov 2008 00:36:01 -0800, Ed T <Ed
I am trying my best to set up a onenote page, one per person, that tracks
what is happening with that person. For starters I would like to simply copy
in their contact information and any upcoming appointments they have. Should
be simple? I start out in onenote and create a page, then go to tools,
create an outlook item, contacts and am taken to outlook where I create a new
contact - however when I tell outlook to send the info back to outlook it
puts the informtion in a different page "unfiled" so now I have two different
pages when I wanted just one. If I repeat the process with an appointment I
now have three pages when the whole purpose of onenote I tought was to make
it easier to keep everything organized in one place. Is there a better way
to do this?

Something like this is more suited to using Outlook 2007, possibly in
conjunction with the Business Contact Manager. OneNote can
=supplement= these tools, especially since you can put a hyperlink in
your Outlook data that points to Outlook data, but using OneNote as
the sole tool to solve this problem isn't quite the right choice.

I remember a saying once: "If the only tool you have is a hammer,
everything looks like a nail." OneNote fans tend to want to use
OneNote as their sole tool, but in this case Outlook combined with
OneNote would be a better approach.


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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