Copying merged cells



Does anyone know how to stop a group of merged cells from unmerging when you
copy the range? For example, say you have a column of individually merged
cells and within that column you have a group of three cells that you want to
copy down only one cell. Every time I do this two of the three cells
unmerge. Is there a setting to stop this? Much thanks for your time.


I may be misunderstanding what you are doing, but 2003 cells on my computer
stay merged when I copy and paste.

More infor please with an example


Try this:
- merge cells A1 & B1
- copy this cell down to make a column around 10 rows long
- now, select cells AB3, AB4 & AB5
- copy these three cells down to rows 4, 5 & 6 as a group
- on my computer, at this point the new rows 5 & 6 unmerge
- very, very frustrating

This only happens when you try to copy more than one merged cell at a time

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