copying multiple nodes



I have a field in my schema that contains multiple nodes (i.e. goal
description, goal due date). I need to copy each node into a new multiple
node field in my schema. The original field can have 0 entries through
unlimited entries. Currently, only the first node is getting copied. I need
to do this without code as this form is a web form. Immediate help

Gavin McKay

Hi Lisa,

Even though this probably isn't the answer you are looking for, web forms
can have code. The code is deployed along with your web form, there isn't
really any overhead to using code when designing forms for a website.

I don't know any ways to do this without code actually - sorry. Unless you
could create some rules to do this somehow, but I think it would get very
complex very quickly and you might be pushing the boundaries of the InfoPath
client and its rules.


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