Hi - i am copying one worksheet to another and i notice that in its
destination only 255 characters of column D are being copied accross. In
some cases there are 700 characters that need to be copied accross. Help -
can this be resolved in any way?
The code that i am using is:
Dim mydata As String
'data location & range to copy
mydata = "='\\Macro\[Sedol_vlookup_reviews.xls]Paras'!$A$4:$D$300" '<<
change as required
'link to worksheet
With Worksheets("Reviews").Range("A4300") '<< change as required
.Formula = mydata
'convert formula to text
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With
destination only 255 characters of column D are being copied accross. In
some cases there are 700 characters that need to be copied accross. Help -
can this be resolved in any way?
The code that i am using is:
Dim mydata As String
'data location & range to copy
mydata = "='\\Macro\[Sedol_vlookup_reviews.xls]Paras'!$A$4:$D$300" '<<
change as required
'link to worksheet
With Worksheets("Reviews").Range("A4300") '<< change as required
.Formula = mydata
'convert formula to text
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With