Copying Only the Body Text To Paste Into Another Document?


Phil Galey

I have the following code in VB6 and am trying to copy the body text from
one document to another document. The problem I'm having is that not only
the body text is copied, but the header and footer information are also
copied. In my situation, the target document will have it's own header and
footer that are different than the original document. Thus only the body
text (with formatting) must be copied.

Dim WApp As New Word.Application
Dim WDoc1 As Word.Document
Dim WDoc2 As Word.Document

Set WDoc1 = WApp.Documents.Open("<Path to document>")
Set WDoc2 = WApp.Documents.Add
WApp.Visible = True

WApp.Documents.Close False

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Dim WApp As New Word.Application
Dim WDoc1 As Word.Document
Dim WDoc2 As Word.Document
Dim Wrange as Range

Set WDoc1 = WApp.Documents.Open("<Path to document>")
Set Wrange = WDoc1.Ranges
Wrange.End = Wrange.End - 1
Set WDoc2 = WApp.Documents.Add
WDoc2.Range = Wrange
WApp.Visible = True

WApp.Documents.Close False

See the article "How is it possible to copy an entire document into another
document without bringing across the header and footer?" at:

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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