We recently caught this issue but found out after research, that this has
been occuring all year. This code worked in the past, but I am not sure if
there was an Excel update that occurred which changed the behavior of the
script. What we are trying to do is to have a recordset pasted twice into two
seperate worksheets. It is pasting without issue in the first
copyfromrecordset, but then it skips over the second paste (even when
stepping through the code). I know that it is not the worksheet we are
copying into because I can reverse the 'first paste/second paste' (see label
in code below) code and the problem then occurs with the first paste . Here
are code snippets that isolate the problem area:
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
rs05.Open "SELECT * FROM [Store Query]", conn, adOpenDynamic
With xlApp
.Visible = True
.Workbooks.Open xlPath & xlBkNamePRINT
Set xlBkPRINT = .ActiveWorkbook
.Workbooks.Open xlPath & xlBkNameQTD
Set xlBkQTD = .ActiveWorkbook
.Workbooks.Open xlPath & xlBkNameWK
Set xlBkWK = .ActiveWorkbook
End With
'First paste
xlBkWK.Worksheets("Environmental Step 3").Activate
xlApp.Range("C5").CopyFromRecordset rs05
'Second paste - this works when i paste it above the first paste snippet
xlBkQTD.Worksheets("Environmental Step 3").Activate
xlApp.Range("C5").CopyFromRecordset rs05
been occuring all year. This code worked in the past, but I am not sure if
there was an Excel update that occurred which changed the behavior of the
script. What we are trying to do is to have a recordset pasted twice into two
seperate worksheets. It is pasting without issue in the first
copyfromrecordset, but then it skips over the second paste (even when
stepping through the code). I know that it is not the worksheet we are
copying into because I can reverse the 'first paste/second paste' (see label
in code below) code and the problem then occurs with the first paste . Here
are code snippets that isolate the problem area:
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
rs05.Open "SELECT * FROM [Store Query]", conn, adOpenDynamic
With xlApp
.Visible = True
.Workbooks.Open xlPath & xlBkNamePRINT
Set xlBkPRINT = .ActiveWorkbook
.Workbooks.Open xlPath & xlBkNameQTD
Set xlBkQTD = .ActiveWorkbook
.Workbooks.Open xlPath & xlBkNameWK
Set xlBkWK = .ActiveWorkbook
End With
'First paste
xlBkWK.Worksheets("Environmental Step 3").Activate
xlApp.Range("C5").CopyFromRecordset rs05
'Second paste - this works when i paste it above the first paste snippet
xlBkQTD.Worksheets("Environmental Step 3").Activate
xlApp.Range("C5").CopyFromRecordset rs05