copying selected cells to another sheet




I have a worksheet that i would like some help with. Here an example of the sheet


Part #1 $1.00
Part #2 $2.00
Part #3 $3.00

ok, when i put an X in colum C i have it total Colum B, so in other words if i put and X in C1 and C3, i will get a total of $4.00 in another cell. What i would like to do is put the selected items on another sheet one after the other, so if i put and X in C1 and C3 this other sheet will show Part #1 then Part #3 in order with the price in another colum.. I hope this makes sense..

Thanks in advance...



Here is one way without using a macro
In the first cell of the second sheet put the following
where Sheet1!C$2 is the address of the first cell in the
column for the Xs
and 20 is the number of rows that you want to scan
If there is a match, it will return the item number (not
the part #) otherwise it returns #N/A
In cell under the above formula put the following altered
where the address A1 points to the first formula. Now copy
it down for how ever many matches you are likely to get.
In the second column of the second sheet put this formula
and copy it down.
Now hide the first column or move it out of sight.

Kevin Beckham

-----Original Message-----

I have a worksheet that i would like some help with. Here an example of the sheet


Part #1 $1.00
Part #2 $2.00
Part #3 $3.00

ok, when i put an X in colum C i have it total Colum B,
so in other words if i put and X in C1 and C3, i will get
a total of $4.00 in another cell. What i would like to do
is put the selected items on another sheet one after the
other, so if i put and X in C1 and C3 this other sheet
will show Part #1 then Part #3 in order with the price in
another colum.. I hope this makes sense..



Thanks! That worked perfectly! thats for taking the time to help me out. I really appreciate your efforts!

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