Copying Statuted into Word



I am copying state statutes from a legal website into Word. They come
in as a whole lot of little tables, each separated by a paragraph
marker from the ones above and below. I'm converting each one, doing a
Table to Text, then deleting out the extra paragraph markers and other
stuff between the text. I've recorded a macro to select the table,
then convert it to text, to save some time (I'm doing quite a few of

I'd like to create a macro that would find each table in the document
and convert it to text. Even better if it would find the multiple
paragraph markers and stuff between the resulting paragrahs and delete
all but one. I have some experince with Excel VBA, but none with Word.
Is there a way to find each table and convert it? I looked it the Find
Special dialog box, but table is not one of the options.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


I am copying state statutes from a legal website into Word. They come
in as a whole lot of little tables, each separated by a paragraph
marker from the ones above and below. I'm converting each one, doing a
Table to Text, then deleting out the extra paragraph markers and other
stuff between the text. I've recorded a macro to select the table,
then convert it to text, to save some time (I'm doing quite a few of

What happens if you do a Paste / Special / Unformatted text?

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