Copying tables from Excel to Word EXACTLY


Chris O.


Does anyone know of a way to paste an Excel table into Word so that it
appears in Word exactly as it appears in Excel and so that I can update it

I'm trying to copy a table from Excel to Word so that the table looks
exactly the same in Word as it does in Excel. I've worked out the best way to
do this is to paste it as a picture because this is the only way I can get
the table to paste without the columns changing size or the gridlines
appearing in the document as it appears on screen.

BUT, I want the tables to update automatically if/when I change the tables
in Excel. I can paste the tables as pictures and using the "paste as a link"
option and this will work. BUT, the gridlines show up everytime! It seems to
be unique to pasting as a link and not when you paste a picture normally.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really like to hear them!


Anne Troy

Chris, are you sure you've got borders and not just gridlines? I mean...
paste to Word, then go to Table-->Hide gridlines. Are you print previewing?
Like Excel, Word tables have gridlines by default, but--again like
Excel--they don't print. So make sure you're actually bringing borders over
that'll print, instead of just seeing gridlines.
~Anne Troy

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