the logic I wish to execute goes something like this:
whenever '[target book.xls]Sheet'!$A$2:$A$100="y" I want to copy the text
from the adjacent cell in the range ie. '[target book.xls]Sheet'!$B$2:$B$100
to my source book ie. '[source.xls]Sheet'!$C$10, and this should be
incremented every time text is copied ie. the next cell to be updated would
be '[source.xls]Sheet'!$C$11 and so on until the end of the target range.
Can anybody help ?
whenever '[target book.xls]Sheet'!$A$2:$A$100="y" I want to copy the text
from the adjacent cell in the range ie. '[target book.xls]Sheet'!$B$2:$B$100
to my source book ie. '[source.xls]Sheet'!$C$10, and this should be
incremented every time text is copied ie. the next cell to be updated would
be '[source.xls]Sheet'!$C$11 and so on until the end of the target range.
Can anybody help ?