Copying text boxes



I recently had a problem with text boxes that I copied and
pasted various places in one of my documents. I often copy
text boxes to label graphic images because I use the same
fonts and text box settings in almost every text box I
create, and "Set Autoshape Default" only applies to
certain attributes. So I copy them. But in one instance, I
found that text I edited in one text box would also be
changed in another text box simultaneously, presumably a
text box that I had pasted from a previously copied one. I
tried everything I could think of - deleting text boxes,
replacing them with new ones, and so on. Each time I had
the same problem. The only way I could get rid of it was
to completely recreate the file with new graphics. Has
anyone else experienced this and if so, how did you fix it?



AAAHHHH, I am having the same problem!
Please, someone tell me what is Word's problem? I am
temping for a company which has Word 2002, and drawing
maps with it.
I have never had this problem before, I thought it was
this version of Word. I use Word 2000 at home. It was
doing what you describe yesterday at the end of the day, I
reopened the document and Word multiple times. Finally I
gave up and hoped it would be OK today. It's still doing
I will place a text box and start typing, then look over
and another text box, letter for letter, is being replaced
with what I am typing in the new one. And get this - I
will go to highlight one or the other, and letter for
letter, the other one highlights! This is so bizarre.
The only thing I can think of:
Is there a cap on how many drawing objects one can have in
their document?
Pleeeaaase, someone help us!


Did either of you get an answer to this problem? I am
having the same issue, and it seems to be only certain
text boxes with this problem. I also have not figured out
how to get rid of it.

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