I recently had a problem with text boxes that I copied and
pasted various places in one of my documents. I often copy
text boxes to label graphic images because I use the same
fonts and text box settings in almost every text box I
create, and "Set Autoshape Default" only applies to
certain attributes. So I copy them. But in one instance, I
found that text I edited in one text box would also be
changed in another text box simultaneously, presumably a
text box that I had pasted from a previously copied one. I
tried everything I could think of - deleting text boxes,
replacing them with new ones, and so on. Each time I had
the same problem. The only way I could get rid of it was
to completely recreate the file with new graphics. Has
anyone else experienced this and if so, how did you fix it?
pasted various places in one of my documents. I often copy
text boxes to label graphic images because I use the same
fonts and text box settings in almost every text box I
create, and "Set Autoshape Default" only applies to
certain attributes. So I copy them. But in one instance, I
found that text I edited in one text box would also be
changed in another text box simultaneously, presumably a
text box that I had pasted from a previously copied one. I
tried everything I could think of - deleting text boxes,
replacing them with new ones, and so on. Each time I had
the same problem. The only way I could get rid of it was
to completely recreate the file with new graphics. Has
anyone else experienced this and if so, how did you fix it?