Copying the column heading into all non-empty cells



Thanks very much Gord!

However, when I Paste Special it doesn't seem to be working. I'll kee
trying - but perhaps there's something else I ought to be doing too
I'm pretty sure I've done it right so far - when I drag the formula ou
to all the cells they the all say "FALSE", and then when I paste th
original data over the top I just see the original data still.

Any ideas where I might be going wrong??


Gord Dibben


Amend the formula on inserted new worksheet to read.....

=IF(Sheet1!A2="y",A$1,"") which will get rid of the FALSE.

I had that originally, but posted wrong one.

The Copy and Paste Special steps are to get rid of the formulas pointing to
the original Sheet1.

If get stuck, send me the workbook via email and I'll set it up.

Change the DOT and AT to . and @ to get my email address


Gord Dibben


Must be Sunday and raining. I'm pretty dozy today.

I would imagine you have a "Hotels" column as well with the names of the
Hotels. Probably Column A?

Copy it over also to new worksheet. Adjust formulas accordingly.

On another note: why do you need the headers replacing the "y"'s

Might be just as easy to Freeze the header row and the Hotels Name column so
they are always in view as you scroll down and across.


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