Copying (variable) rows from another spreadsheet




I want to copy data from other spreadsheets, which get updated daily, and
the issue I have is that these rows change say from 6 rows to 12 rows etc.).
Ideally I want to copy the data from different spreadsheets into one master
worksheet so that say I download 6 rows from one spreadsheet, then I have a
one row gap, underneath the next, say, 8 rows of data from another
spreadsheet get downloaded, one row gap etc.

How can I implement this ideally?


You say you have worksheets that get updated daily and then you put the data
into a master sheet.

1) Do you want to clar the master sheet every day and then re-generated the
Master Sheet? Or do you want to add the new info to the Master sheet. How
can you tell what gets changed on a daily bases.

2) Is the Name of your Master Sheet "Master"?

3) Does you sheets have header rows? I assume the Master Sheet have the
same header rows as the other sheets and you want to add the header rows only
once to the master sheet.

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