Blue Max
Is there a way to import the Windows Vista contact form (with separate tabs
for Summary, Name and E-mail, Home, Work, Family, Notes, and IDs) into
Outlook in order to use it as the basis of a new Outlook contacts form? The
organization of the Windows Vista contacts form is much more intuitive than
the default Outlook contact form and we would like to use that as the basis
of developing our own custom Outlook contacts form.
Thank you for any help.
for Summary, Name and E-mail, Home, Work, Family, Notes, and IDs) into
Outlook in order to use it as the basis of a new Outlook contacts form? The
organization of the Windows Vista contacts form is much more intuitive than
the default Outlook contact form and we would like to use that as the basis
of developing our own custom Outlook contacts form.
Thank you for any help.