Copying Worksheets


Bill Chatfield

Whenever I go to copy a worksheet within the workbook I get this message:

"A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name "WHATEVER",
which already exists in the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this
version of the name?
*To use the name as defined in the worksheet click Yes
*To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, Click No, and
enter a new name in the Name Conflict dialog box"

If I click YES I get the message again with a different "WHATEVER"name.
These WHATEVER names are ones that have built up over the years as the
result of my fooling around - I now have about 10 of them and it has gotten
to be a pain to deal with them all the time.

Where do I find these names so I can delete them and just copy the
worksheets without all this nonsense.


Bill Chatfield


Click Insert / Name / Define. Select the name you'd like to delete and
click "Delete". :)


Bill Chatfield


Thank you for the reply - I am still confused - I followed your suggestion
and all it shows is the one name - the data in the cell the cursor
occupies - I did a search Crtl +F for the name - ex:racesss - and it shows
nothing - yet when I go to copy the sheet I get the same message that this
name already exists blah blah blah - maybe I am missing something here :(

Bill Chatfield

Click Insert / Name / Define. Select the name you'd like to delete and
click "Delete". :)


Dave Peterson

To make your life a lot easier (that Insert|name dialog is pretty difficult to
work with), grab a copy of Jan Karel Pieterse's (with Charles Williams and
Matthew Henson) Name Manager.

You can find it at:
NameManager.Zip from

Bill Chatfield

I got it Dave - am getting ready to install - thanks - will let you know how
all works out

Bill Chatfield

To make your life a lot easier (that Insert|name dialog is pretty difficult
work with), grab a copy of Jan Karel Pieterse's (with Charles Williams and
Matthew Henson) Name Manager.

You can find it at:
NameManager.Zip from

Bill Chatfield

Installed - used - amazed that in about 5 minutes I solved all my problems -
life is good in the land of Excel - for now<G>

Thanks Dave for the suggestion - I have bookmarked that page

Bill Chatfield

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