I've designed a VBA routine which copies an Excel range to Power Point.
The selected range is copied with "CopyPicture". It works OK apart from that
some times selected columns most to right in the range will not be visible
in the pasted picture in Power Point. It can vary depending on which user
runs the routine.
Before CopyPicture only visible cells are selected. Some columns in the
range are grouped and not visible. e.g in a range from column A - Y 12
columns are selected as visible columns.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I've designed a VBA routine which copies an Excel range to Power Point.
The selected range is copied with "CopyPicture". It works OK apart from that
some times selected columns most to right in the range will not be visible
in the pasted picture in Power Point. It can vary depending on which user
runs the routine.
Before CopyPicture only visible cells are selected. Some columns in the
range are grouped and not visible. e.g in a range from column A - Y 12
columns are selected as visible columns.
Thanks in advance for any help.