Coralating tracking numbers



OK, i am making reciet books , 50 to each pack with tracking numbers..
now the problem i am have is that when i print 4 to 1 page, it does ok to set
each number in sequance, it seems... but if i print a pile of pages and it
comes time to cut that stack into 4 , i run into trouble.. then i realize the
numbers dont go in order in their own little stacks..that eachnumber below
that is not the right number, so after i have to go and put them all in order
by hand ..thats crazy
must be a better way.

John Bundy

Just start each series on a different card, for example you want to do 100
cards, the first one of four on the first sheet would be say a 1, the second
26, the third 51 and the fourth 76. This would let you stack them on top of
one another. I hope I understood your question.


yes thats right... ty
now only thing is i may have to make say 500 pages thick... is there a way
to automat this, can excel make this order for me somehow, forseeing what iam

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