Corel PowerPoint Merging



I have corel on my computer, but work in Microsoft PowerPoint Mode. I need to
merge 2 presentations together, but have no Insert ---> Slide. I have tried
everything. It's for a group project, and I do not have the layout that we
have agreed on, so I can't open a new one to merge it. Any ideas on how or if
this can be done?

Bill Dilworth

Seeing as how the command structure appears to be different than PowerPoint,
I would suggest asking in the Corel support group. (I'm guessing they have

If you were in PowerPoint, it would be easy to Insert => Slides => From

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

Michael Koerner

Have a look here

Michael Koerner
MS MVP - PowerPoint

I have corel on my computer, but work in Microsoft PowerPoint Mode. I need to
merge 2 presentations together, but have no Insert ---> Slide. I have tried
everything. It's for a group project, and I do not have the layout that we
have agreed on, so I can't open a new one to merge it. Any ideas on how or if
this can be done?

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