Corel v12 & PPT


Jan Il

Hi all -

Just a curious question. Corel Draw has just released their new CorelDraw
Graphics Suite 12 program. One of the new features of the v12 as I
understand is that you can now export to both MS and Word Perfect programs.

Are there any folks using PPT that might also use the Corel Draw Graphics
Suite program? If so, has anyone tried the v12 yet, and the export feature
to PPT? Does it work well? Not many folks over in the CDGS groups have
mentioned this, but, I don't think many of them use PPT. Anyway, I thought
I'd ask here as well. This would be a very useful feature for me, and I was
just wondering. I have the v11, but, I can get the v12 yet, as I still yeah....ahmmm...(slinking veerrry low to the floor here and
avoiding eye contact) WinME. And, Corel decided not to include WinME on
their dance card at the ball this year. So, until I can u-p-g-r-a-d-e to
WinPX in the near future, I will have to wait to find out. This feature and
the Smart Drawing Tool would be good reasons for me to go to v12, among
other thingies, for our PPT training manual projects, and it would be soooo
neat if it would allow you to export stuff to PPT slides, and things play
well on this side of the sandbox. Shoving it out the door on the one side is
good only if it doesn't make a big mess when it falls in the door on the
other side. 8-o!!!

I'd really be interested in any feedback on this from this side if anyone
has any information.

Best regards,
Jan :)

Geetesh Bajaj

This is interesting Jan, do let me know if you get to know more.

I did post a link to something that was announced by Corel in my blog.

Jan Il

Hi Geetesh!

Geetesh Bajaj said:
This is interesting Jan, do let me know if you get to know more.

I did post a link to something that was announced by Corel in my blog.

Yes...I see your reference there. The 7. on the Corel info page is the one I
was speaking of. And the 1. Smart Draw Tool is also a *very* interesting
feature for me and the work I do. If it works as well as it is advertised
to do, then it would be a really great benefit for those like myself who
have to work a lot with freehand drawings and get them looking like
something in the computer. It would be most interesting to see if PPT could
offer something along this line. It would save me hours, perhaps days, or
retracing or clean up of hand drawn objects and graphics for training or
maintenance manuals. Since most of my work would wind up in PPT, it would
be nice. I know PPT is not a graphics program, although, I have been able
to use it so successfully as one for so long I have to keep reminding myself
of that fact. ;-))

I was a bit surprised to see that Corel is opening such features to MS
programs, but, I don't know how well MS might receive these overtures of
friendship. I can only hope favorably, although, others may see it
differently. ;-)

Since I can't test the v12 personally at this time, I can only go by those
who can. A couple of the Corel Draw Techs and regular responders that have
an idea of the work I do are going to do a bit of testing with both of these
features of me. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the exporting to MS
programs as I find out more.

Jan :)

Jan Il

Hi Geetesh,

Geetesh Bajaj said:
This is interesting Jan, do let me know if you get to know more.

I did post a link to something that was announced by Corel in my blog.

Here is a link to the Corel website where folks can view an interactive
review of the program, (watch the line wrap)

Click on the: See the new features in action - take the interactive tour

There is a visual demonstration of how the features and such work. Looks
good, and if they do as they area supposed to they might be good features.
According to a response I have thus far to my inquiry on this, the Export
does work, but, it seems only as png files. I still waiting to see if this
is indeed the case, I just wanted to pass on this information so that if
anyone would like to see how this will work they can see for themselves. The
interaction is kinda cool and does look good. According to the
demonstration, it opens and exports direct into the selected program from

Sorry I can't personally confirm this at the moment. But, even if the don't
have need for the Export feature, I thought folks might like to see what is
on the other side of the drawing board. :)

Jan :)

Jan Il

New update on this,
There is a visual demonstration of how the features and such work. Looks
good, and if they do as they area supposed to they might be good features.
According to a response I have thus far to my inquiry on this, the Export
does work, but, it seems only as png files. I still waiting to see if this
is indeed the case, I just wanted to pass on this information so that if

According to latest info, CDGS will also export wmf and emf files to Office
programs, in addition to the .png.
But, Steve Rindsberg and others here who are far more experienced with Corel
Draw can provide much more information on the details of this. ;-)

Jan :)

Jan Il

Hi Steve,
I'm waiting for that HighGuy, Alt Man to show up and fill us in. I haven't
used 12 yet, but I know he has. In fact:

He likes it.

Yes..I read this and several of his posts in the
corel.graphic_apps.cdgs11-draw newsgroup, and it did seem that he was
generally pleased wth the new issue.
As to exporting EMF/WMF -- Draw's done WMFs since there was a Draw and EMFs
since there were EMFs. Does it maybe produce some Office-tweaked version of
each now?

I can't really say from a personal point of view, as I have only used the
CDGS11, and that only since last June, but, from what I have read, heard,
and seen in the interactive, there is now a export procedure that can be
done from within CD nad/or PP that allows you to take the object directly
from CD/PP to a WprdPerfect or MS Office program, using an icon on the
toolbar in CD/PP, which appears to open the Office programs and then
deposits the object into it. This, from what I can see, and that not too
well in the interactive demonstration, may be somewhat similar to export
procedures used in MS to export (send) records, documents or objects from
say, PPT or Excel to Word.

There appears to be an icon on the CD/PP toolbar that is clicked after you
select the object(s) that opens the Office program and then the object(s)
are pasted into it. The interactive didn't show a particular program, the
selections just say WordPerfect Office of MS Office I believe. But, I wonder
if in reality, there is a list of all the associated programs for each
'Office' group. Perhaps not. I don't know if it gives you an option to paste
special, link or what on the Office side of the transfer. It also does not
explain if there are any special tweeks in 'tween the two programs to the
formats. I guess this is just something that would either have to be tested
with the program itself, or covered in more detail somewhere else. I'll
have dig around in my magic bag of tricks and see what I can find.

Dang! Where is my crystal ball when I need it!! All I can find is my Magic
8 Ball......and all I keep seeing is the Jolly Roger....<sigh>

Overalls, the voting seems to be in favor of the new program, and most of
the info on the v12 ng's is pretty positive.

Now.... you know I'm just itch'n to get into this program, being as I use
them both back and forth now, and the new features may be of real benefit to
folks like me. But, there are some gray areas that I need to look at to see
if they are really worth the upgrade, and the expense of going to XP now in
order to be able to use it, and perhaps getting into the Tablet thingie. I
know I have to go there soon, as there appears to be a trend now, and I am
seeing a lot more programs that do not include ME in the list of OS's they
can be used with.

It'll be very interesting to see how well the two kids play together now
that they are sharing the playground a bit more. <g>.

Jan :)

P.S. I enjoyed your interview on Geetesh's site. when did you
have time for the ice cream pushcart?

Jan Il

nda yu'd thimk Ms wuold instal as pelkchevkr <sigh>

Sorry...I have a new MS Hand-E Ergonomic keyboard, the one with the whtzits
and the split in the middle. hands have not yet learned to
do the splits, nor what all the whatzits do other than get in the way. So,
my two pointer fingers are still looking for something in the middle to rap
on, and failing this, the rest are lost and wind up jockying for spots.
While my spelling prior has not been without bloops, it wasn't quite alien
blurbs. ;-))

Jan :)

Jan Il

Steve Rindsberg said:
I must not have been paying attention .. I lost ya at the last turn.

Lol! was just a spoof on your being so busy, and doing so many
diverse things all at the same time. <sigh> I can see I've been gone too
long...your leg is getting shorter on the one side again..:))))

Jan Il

You think split keyboards are weird?

Wait'll you see what it makes of your handwriting when you try a tablet.

Huh? You mean.... it can get worse? After using a mouse so much these last
few years, I'm down to having to sign my name with an X now! ;-)).

John Langhans [MSFT]

[CRITICAL UPDATE - Anyone using Office 2003 should install the critical
update as soon as possible. From PowerPoint, choose "Help -> Check for


If you (or anyone else reading this message) think that PowerPoint (through
the Office Drawing tools) should provide more advanced features for editing
lines and shapes, don't forget to send your feedback (in YOUR OWN WORDS,
please) to Microsoft at:

As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also WHY it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft. Microsoft receives thousands of product
suggestions every day and we read each one but, in any given product
development cycle, there are only sufficient resources to address the ones
that are most important to our customers so take the extra time to state
your case as clearly and completely as possible.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
support center at:
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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Jan Il

Hi John,

Thank you, and I will. I do think it would provide a level of benefit to
some of us who have need of something along this line. Besides...I love new
toys!! ;-))

Wish me luck, and I hope to see you again at the PPT Live 2004 here is San
Diego this Oct.

Best regards,
Jan :)

Jan Il

And you think the tablet will understand your X, do you?

(Actually, they're AMAZINGLY good at interpreting handwriting - it's just that
what I do doesn't come anywhere near qualifying as handwriting, and even at
that, the tablet does a better job of interpreting it than I can)

Not sure I'm crazy about the idea of a thingie being able to spell my name
better than I can..but...then again, I can think of times it might come in
handy. Since I started getting AARP mail addressed to me, I've been having
a hard time remembering things. Funny how that works...???? know what's even scarier??? I heard there is a pen, sorta like
a ballpoint pen, that you can use to write or draw or whatever, and it has a
memory, and you can just upload it into the computer and whatever you did
with the pen is now on your computer! Like on Get Smart, only real life.
Amazing!! ;-)

Jan Il

Thank you Jan for the link and all the amazing info.

You're welcome, Geetesh, sorry I can't give any hands-on info. But, it does
look like the hands-across-the-progies amy be a tepid friendship. ;-))

Jan :)

Jan Il

Lol! was just a spoof on your being so busy, and doing so
Aha! No WONDER my PPTlive trou were fitting funny

LOL! that I'm getting back up to speed after the Grand Incision,
off the brain dumbers, and can spend some reasonable time at the computer
again, you'll be back in shape by Oct. ;-))))

Jan Il

"> > Not sure I'm crazy about the idea of a thingie being able to spell my
They put some kind of weird powder in the envelopes. Makes your hair turn gray
and you forget where you put the car keys, stuff like that.

Ahh...that must be it. Next one I get I'll just toss out and not open it.
That way it won't get worse. Whew! Good thing I didn't buy one of their
T-shirts! I might turn into a mummy! Ya know...I've moved 3 times in the
last 10 years said:
There's an old song called "If shoes could talk"
This reminds me of that.
I don't want shoes that remember where I've been or pens that can write notes
on their own, thanks. ;-)

Hmmm...good point. And I don't want a pen that remembers what I said when I
don't. What's next...a court case where they call a TotalRecall Pen to the
witness stand to testify to what it wrote or where it was at the time of
some event? I would they know if its memory chip is any better
than mine??? Scary.....

Jan Il

"> > Ahh...that must be it. Next one I get I'll just toss out and not open
Worse: The AARP t-shirts turn you into a grandmummy.

Egads!! Don't even think about the sweat suits! I don't look good in
leather!. 8-o

Mike M.

Well, there are lots of different kinds of leather. I would hazard a guess
that ya'll look better than at least some of them. Albiet, I have seen some
fine examples of Armadillo Butt leather. <sg>

Jan Il

Mike M. said:
Well, there are lots of different kinds of leather. I would hazard a guess
that ya'll look better than at least some of them. Albiet, I have seen some
fine examples of Armadillo Butt leather. <sg>


Hmmm......not only do you seem to have a rather unusual preference in
cuisines, you obviously have a very discerning eye for the more unusual
types of leather goods. Remind me never to go shopping with you.....'k????

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