"=?Utf- said:
Cornell Note-Taking Method
OK, so I went to the trouble of looking it up myself. It doesn't look as
if you really need a template at all. Just stick to taking your original
notes on the right 2/3rd of the page. With the way the Writing guides
generally only grow to about 2/3 of the page wide without manual resizing
this would actually save you the trouble of resizing them yourself. You
may have to experiment to figure out the best place to start each line
but it should become second nature after a while.
Later, when you are writing in the 'Recall' column just make sure you
don't write too close to the main notes or the writing guides will
overlap. This will make it more difficult to get to the paragraph handles
of the main notes. Keep in mind that OneNote does not keep these separate
writing guides associated in any way. If you add text or rearrange the
main notes in any way after you have written your Recall notes they will
NOT be kept in alignment. Even if you add the 'Insert Space' tool, due to
the way it works, you will not be able to move both writing guides down
at the same time. Read my message in the 'Tablet handwritten doesn't move
when inserting space' thread for an explanation of this issue.