Correct setup



Can you tell me the correct setup for this situation?

I have 3 people that decorated a Christmas tree
This had to be done sometime between Nov 8 and Nov. 24.
It took 2 hours to accomplish.

If I put 2 hours in duration it will not let me put the Nov 8-Nov 24 in
Start and finish
If I put 2 hours in work it will not figure that 3 people worked on it so it
was really 6 hours of work.

Is there a task type I can use for this? Or do I have to do the math myself
and put 6 hours in the work column?

Thanks for any help you can give!!!


Steve House [MVP]

While you can't enter the dates in the Start and Finish columns you can
enter them in the Actual Start and Actual Finish fields. When you do it
will also update the plain Start and Finish fields to the same value. View
the Tracking table in the View, Tables menu. But note - whether we are
talking about future planning or historical data, the dates for tasks in
Project are NOT the date range during which tasks might take place. For
future plans, they are the dates that you are going to tell the resources to
show up and do some specific work "Bob, I need you to start painting room
203 this coming Friday and you should have it finished by next Wednesday."
It's a specific schedule where things are scheduled to take place starting
at a precise time and continue for a specific duration, not a to-do list
with a range of acceptable dates. With historical data they should be the
dates that the work was actually done and reflect how long it really did
take. If the people worked together for 2 hours on November 15th, that's
what you enter: actual start=15Nov, actual finish=15Nov, actual
duration=2hr, remaining duration=0hrs, actual work=6hours. The fact that
they could have done it any time prior to the 24th is irrelevant - what
counts is what they actually did do.

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