How many sets? If only two, then you can use this formula:
CRV2 = corr * RV1+ RV2 * (1 - corr ^ 2) ^ 0.5
If you want more than 2, it gets progressively more complicated.
I'd suggest an Internet search or try, where
somebody offered a VBA routine.
here is a good link:
CORAND(CorrelArray, RandSource), entered as an array formula in a
range of cells in a row, returns RANDom values for making random
variables that have correlations as in the given CorrelArray. (See
also NORMIZE.)
Also, if U and V are independent std normal then:
X=a + bU
Y=c + d*rho*U+d*sqrt(1-rho^2)*V
are bivariate normal.
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