correlating data



I have an excel spread sheet that I would like to import
into Access. This Excel spread sheet contains 25
individual data fields and between 10 to 20 entries per
sheet (they are batched by date of scan). All 25 fields
contain some sort of information. The requirement is to
have a report print out that displays the uploaded
information as well as one extra field of data. This field
of data is related to filed #17 of the original 25 data
fields. This field is a numeric code called "CPT".
This "CPT" code has a corresponding "CDM" code that is
used for billing within the department. My boss would like
a report that contains all of the origial data plus the
CDM code that corresponds to the CPT code. This report
would then in turn be sent to the data entry personnell
within the department. I am not sure how to design/set up
the correlation between data field #17 and the
corresponding CDM code.

Howard Brody

It shouldn't be too hard.
Import your spreadsheet as a new Access table (tblMain)
Create a new table listing the CPT Codes and the
corresponding CDM Codes (tblCDM)
confirm that all the CPT Codes in tblMain appear in tblCDM
Build a new query using both tables. Join the tables on
the CPT field. Select all the fields in tblMain and the
CDM field in tblCDM

Hope this helps!

Howard Brody

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