
I have a a serious problem I am failing to open the
Access 2000 Database after Windows Advanced Server 2000
decided to close while the database was running.
Its now coming up with an error " Invalid format or
corupt file" Please assist I have tried so many ways but
I have failed.

Lynn Trapp



Lynne -- I hate to bother you, but if you have a moment, could you please explain (a very basic one will do) just WHY the 'compact and repair' function works? After having trouble importing a file into one database (I imported the same file into a different database and it worked just fine, so I realized that it was NOT the file that was the problem), I did a quick search and came across this thread. I ran it, and it worked just great. (Thanks!

But this is the second time in a matter of weeks that I've had a corruption problemw ith this database. I'm fairly new to Access, so the first time, I spent a great deal of energy re-building the darn thing. This time, the fix was easy, but I just want to know a.) what it is I'm doing when i 'compact and repair' and b.) if there's anything I can do to AVOID problems in the future

If you have a moment to spare, an explanation would be GREATLY appreciated

Tony Toews

iris said:
but I just want to know a.) what it is I'm doing when i 'compact and repair'

All the objects in the MDB are copied to a new MDB, indexes are
recreated, the original MDB is deleted and the new MDB renamed to the
same name as the original MDB.
b.) if there's anything I can do to AVOID problems in the future.

See the Access Corruptions FAQ at my website.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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