When trying to save a Word 2003 document my computer came up with an error
message saying that it could not find the disk. I tried to exit the screen
but it would not let me, but eventually I managed to close the programme down.
When I then re-opened the file most of my work has now been replaced by
small boxes (see example from the document below).
endless desire for military equipment. (Memo, Sick to Aaron, 20 October 1977,
White House Central File – Countries, CO71
Group’ outlining arrangements for the Shah’s visit on 15-16 November 1977,
there is a detailed list of demonstrations by
There was not autorecover option available and I have lost quite a lot of
work - does anyone know if it can be recovered in any way?
Many thanks,
message saying that it could not find the disk. I tried to exit the screen
but it would not let me, but eventually I managed to close the programme down.
When I then re-opened the file most of my work has now been replaced by
small boxes (see example from the document below).
endless desire for military equipment. (Memo, Sick to Aaron, 20 October 1977,
White House Central File – Countries, CO71
Group’ outlining arrangements for the Shah’s visit on 15-16 November 1977,
there is a detailed list of demonstrations by
There was not autorecover option available and I have lost quite a lot of
work - does anyone know if it can be recovered in any way?
Many thanks,