Which version of Word/Excel?
Can you be more specific about what is inyour Excel sheet? e.g. is there
literally nothing except a heading row and 9 lines, one for each group? Or
do you have 9 "top level lines, one for each group, and e.g. 2447 lines of
"detail" data? If the latter, you need to organise things so that the
Mailmerge only "sees" the 9 to plevel lines, and that probably means that
you need to apply a /filter/ which looks for something that is different in
the header line. How to apply a filter depends on your version of Word. In
Word 97/2000. look in Query optoins in the Mail merge wizard. In Word
2002/2003. look at the Mail merge recipients, click the heading of the
column you want to filter, and either apply a suitable filter right there or
click the Advanced option, which gets you to the Query Options dialog box.
For example, all your detail lines may have a blank address. Or you could
add a column called "Toplevel" and put Y in the top level rows and leave the
column blank for all the other rows. Then specify a filter "Toplevel Equal
to Y"
Peter Jamieson - Word MVP
James M. said:
I have a merge document in Word and a data source in Excell. Every other
week i take my data source and enter new data into it and rename it. When I
merge the data with the document it pulls unwanted data. ie i work in
property managemet and monitor excessive electric usage in vacant units i
have created a spread sheet with 9 address, unit, time period days and
amount. Each group is seprate meaning the first group is address, unit ...
and the second is address1, unit, and so on. when i merge the data it seem
to read cells that have no data at all and the entire spread sheet as i get
2556 memo when i only needed 7