"Corrupt links" after uploading to server...



According to my hosting service the problem that I am having uploadin
my site originate with Publisher...so here I am looking for some help.

After uploading the files to their server, after MUCH trial and error
can finally see the home page (prior to this trial and error the hom
page would appear with a bunch of broken links) Now that I can finall
see the the home page, when I click on the links it doesn't go anywhere

According to tech support at the hosting service, the links "ar
corrupt". I've tried "Publish to the web" as well as "Save as webpage
with no luck.

Admittedly I am a COMPLETE IDIOT when it comes this stuff-I a
wondering if you have some insight into why this may be happening an
what I could do to solve the problem.

BTW-when I open the site in "Preview your website" it works perfectl
so I'm assuming it is something in the way the files are bein
saved/uploaded that isn't right.

Many many thanks in advance for your help



I assume you are selecting "Publish to Web" when you are done making changes
to your site.

Then you have to upload it.

Your problem is most likely WHERE you uploaded it to in your server
directory. The index file should be in a folder called httpdocs. All the
other files need to be in the index_files folder.
You should check with your hosting service to make sure this is exactly

David Bartosik MS MVP

Most likely you failed to upload the sub folder that contains pages 2 and
on. The common reasons for having your issues can be found at the FAQ page -
http://www.publishermvps.com/Default.aspx?tabid=30 - so work thru those.
On page - http://www.publishermvps.com/Default.aspx?tabid=33 - you'll find
an article on how to publish the site properly, I recommend that article.
You're not an idiot, these are just common mistakes for newbies.

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:

David Bartosik MS MVP

Your info is only applicable to your host. So it is not applicable to anyone
not using your same host. Actually the common setup most hosts create on
their servers is "/www" as the domain folder. But then instructing to upload
to a specific folder is generally not needed as most hosts default to the
correct folder on the connection, so browsing to a folder is not needed.
I've seen a few hosts that setup their servers where the user has to browse
to a folder after the connection, generally though that's not the case. And
of course the name of that folder will vary by each host.

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:

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