I acuired a new laptop (replaced slower one). It is running Vista and Office
2007. I set up my Outlook to work with my exchange account (straightforward)
but the data seems to act strange. The reoccurring appointments show that I
am the organizer, but do not allow me to change them saying I must contact
the organizer. Also, reminders keep poping up from long past appointments
saying I cannot dismiss them because the "the end date you entered occurs
before the start date." Lastly, customers send me appointments and my
account displays them with todays date and current time rather than the
actual data. I also set up the account on a desktop and accessed the
exchange server but the account behaves the same. Please help! Thanks.
2007. I set up my Outlook to work with my exchange account (straightforward)
but the data seems to act strange. The reoccurring appointments show that I
am the organizer, but do not allow me to change them saying I must contact
the organizer. Also, reminders keep poping up from long past appointments
saying I cannot dismiss them because the "the end date you entered occurs
before the start date." Lastly, customers send me appointments and my
account displays them with todays date and current time rather than the
actual data. I also set up the account on a desktop and accessed the
exchange server but the account behaves the same. Please help! Thanks.