Corrupted Cost Data




I have a user who has a generic material resource (from the resource
pool) applied to her plan. These resources are rated at $1 in the
pool, so she applied approx 10,000 units to reflect software cost. She
has since marked the task complete. Now, the cost and actual cost are
showing the cost as $20,000, although when you look at the number of
units, it still says 10,000. Because it appears that the task is
corrupted, I attempted to delete and receive an error that tasks with
protected actuals (we use manage time periods) cannot be deleted.
Finally, when you look at Actual Work Protected, you see the correct
value of 10,000.

Based on this my questions are:

Is there anything specific that led to this situation that I should
advise users to avoid in the future?
Is there anyway to delete this task?
Why for a task that only has a material resource applied does anything
show up in Actual Work Protected?
Finally, how does data get put into the Actual Work Protected fields?
My understanding was that after timesheet actuals are accepted, that
that info (and that info alone) will go into the Protected fields.

I am working with Project Server 2003 (sp2 in MS Project and sp2a on
Project Server) and have a user who in MS Project

Thanks very much for any help!

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